Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I rate this  book 5 stars because it is a really thought out story. The plot keeps going on in each chapter. This is a chapter book too. I read this book over and over again, always finding something new and hidden in the storyline.


I might be good for ages 7 or 12, but this book is a must read for ages 8-11, 


The six dragon tribes: Mudwings, Seawings, Skywings, Sandwings, Rainwings, and Nightwings. At least for now. 5 dragonets, one from each tribe, that was born on the brightest night, were to stop the war between the three princesses for the fight for the throne, except that there were no Skywings hatched on that night... . Which Queen will they choose: Blaze, the pretty one, Blister, the smart one, or Burn, the strong one. The fate of the population of dragons are all in the hands on these dragonet. Also, there is something mysterious about Nightwings...

(You have to read the books in order to get the plot.)